Early Outpatient Treatment of Symptomatic, High-Risk Covid-19 Patients that Should be Ramped-Up Immediately as Key to the Pandemic Crisis
Dr Harvey A Risch
More than 1.6 million Americans have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 and >10 times that number carry antibodies to it. High-risk patients presenting with progressing symptomatic disease have only hospitalization treatment with its high mortality. An outpatient treatment that prevents hospitalization is desperately needed. Two candidate medications have been widely discussed: remdesivir, and hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin. Remdesivir has shown mild effectiveness in hospitalized inpatients, but no trials have been registered in outpatients. Hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin has been widely misrepresented in both clinical reports and public media, and outpatient trials results are not expected until September. Early outpatient illness is very different than later hospitalized florid disease and the treatments differ. Evidence about use of hydroxychloroquine alone, or of hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin in inpatients, is irrelevant concerning efficacy of the pair in early high-risk outpatient disease. Five studies, including two controlled clinical trials, have demonstrated significant major outpatient treatment efficacy. Hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin has been used as standard-of-care in more than 300,000 older adults with multicomorbidities, with estimated proportion diagnosed with cardiac arrhythmias attributable to the medications 47/100,000 users, of which estimated mortality is <20%, 9/100,000 users, compared to the 10,000 Americans now dying each week. These medications need to be widely available and promoted immediately for physicians to prescribe.
Barbosa Esper, Da Silva, Oikawa, Empirical treatment with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin for suspected cases of COVID-19 followed-up by telemedicine
Bauchner, Fontanarosa, Randomized clinical trials and COVID-19: managing expectations, JAMA
Bessière, Roccia, Delinière, Assessment of QT intervals in a case series of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection treated with hydroxychloroquine alone or in combination with azithromycin in an intensive care unit, JAMA Cardiol
Bracken, Why are so many epidemiology associations inflated or wrong? Does poorly conducted animal research suggest implausible hypotheses?, Ann Epidemiol,
Carlucci, Ahuja, Petrilli, Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin plus zinc vs hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin alone: outcomes in hospitalized COVID-19 patients,
Catillon, Zeckhauser, Unleash the Data on COVID-19
Derwand, Scholz, Does zinc supplementation enhance the clinical efficacy of chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine to win todays battle against COVID-19?, Med Hypotheses,
Gautret, Lagier, Parola, Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: results of an open-label non-randomized clinical trial, Int J Antimicrob Agent
Gendrot, Andreani, Jardot, In vitro antiviral activity of doxycycline against SARS-CoV-2
Giudicessi, Noseworthy, Friedman, Urgent guidance for navigating and circumventing the QTc prolonging and torsadogenic potential of possible pharmacotherapies for COVID-19. JMCP, Mayo Clin Proc,
Grein, Ohmagari, Shin, Compassionate use of remdesivir for patients with severe Covid-19, N Engl J Med,
Guerin, Lardenois, Levy, Covid-19: Etude rétrospective chez 88 sujets avec 3 approches thérapeutiques différentes
Lane, Weaver, Kostka, Safety of hydroxychloroquine, alone and in combination with azithromycin, in light of rapid wide-spread use for COVID-19: a multinational, network cohort and self-controlled case series study,
Lover, Quantifying treatment effects of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin for Covid-19: A secondary analysis of an open label non-randomized clinical trial,
Mercuro, Yen, Shim, Risk of QT interval prolongation associated with use of hydroxychloroquine with or without concomitant azithromycin among hospitalized patients testing positive for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), JAMA Cardiol May
Million, Lagier, Gautret, Early treatment of 1061 COVID-19 patients with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin
Million, Roussel, Raoult, Response to Magagnoli, MedRxiv
Pharmaceuticals, Gilead announces results from phase 3 trial of investigational antiviral remdesivir in patients with severe COVID-19
Ramireddy, Chugh, Reinier, Experience with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin in the COVID-19 pandemic: Implications for QT interval monitoring,
Sermo, Breaking Results: Sermo's COVID-19 Real Time Barometer Study
Sterling, Dutch study suggests 3% of population may have coronavirus antibodies, Reuters
Sullum, Antibody tests in Colorado highlight the huge gap between confirmed COVID-19 cases and total infections
Tisdale, Drug-induced QT interval prolongation and torsades de pointes: Role of the pharmacist in risk assessment, prevention and management, Can Pharm J (Ott,
Wang, Zhang, Du, Remdesivir in adults with severe COVID-19: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre trial, Lancet,
Xu, Hussain, Wei, Associations of stay-at-home order and face-masking recommendation with trends in daily new cases and deaths of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 in the United States,
Zelenko, To all medical professionals around the world
DOI record:
"DOI": "10.1093/aje/kwaa093",
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"URL": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/aje/kwaa093",
"abstract": "<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title>\n <jats:p>More than 1.6 million Americans have been infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), and more than 10 times that number carry antibodies to it. High-risk patients with progressing symptomatic disease currently have only hospitalization treatment, with its high mortality, available to them. An outpatient treatment that prevents hospitalization is desperately needed. Two candidate medications have been widely discussed: remdesivir and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) + azithromycin (AZ). Remdesivir has shown mild effectiveness in hospitalized inpatients, but no trials in outpatients have been registered. HCQ + AZ has been widely misrepresented in both clinical reports and public media, and results of outpatient trials are not expected until September. Early outpatient illness is very different from later florid disease requiring hospitalization, and the treatments differ. Evidence about use of HCQ alone, or of HCQ + AZ in inpatients, is irrelevant with regard to the efficacy of HCQ + AZ in early high-risk outpatient disease. Five studies, including 2 controlled clinical trials, have demonstrated significant major outpatient treatment efficacy. HCQ + AZ has been used as the standard of care in more than 300,000 older adults with multiple comorbid conditions; the estimated proportion of such patients diagnosed with cardiac arrhythmia attributable to the medications is 47 per 100,000 users, among whom estimated mortality is less than 20% (9/100,000 users), as compared with the 10,000 Americans now dying each week. These medications need to be made widely available and promoted immediately for physicians to prescribe.</jats:p>",
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"article-title": "COVID-19 antibody seroprevalence in Santa Clara County, California",
"author": "Bendavid",
"journal-title": "MedRXiv",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref1",
"year": "2020"
"author": "Los Angeles County Public Health",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref2",
"year": "2020"
"author": "Sullum",
"journal-title": "Reason",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref3",
"year": "2020"
"article-title": "Amid ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Cuomo announces results of completed antibody testing study of 15,000 people showing 12.3 percent of population has COVID-19 antibodies",
"author": "Office of the Governor, State of New York",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref4",
"year": "2020"
"article-title": "Dutch study suggests 3% of population may have coronavirus antibodies",
"author": "Sterling",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref5",
"year": "2020"
"article-title": "Estudio ENE-COVID19: Primera Ronda. Estudio Nacional de Sero-Epidemiología de la Infección por SARS-COV-2 en España. Informe preliminar 13 de Mayo de 2020",
"author": "Instituto de Salud Carlos III",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref6",
"year": "2020"
"article-title": "Associations of stay-at-home order and face-masking recommendation with trends in daily new cases and deaths of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 in the United States",
"author": "Xu",
"journal-title": "MedRXiv",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref7",
"year": "2020"
"article-title": "Clinical benefit of remdesivir in rhesus macaques infected with SARS-CoV-2",
"author": "Williamson",
"journal-title": "BioRXiv",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref8",
"year": "2020"
"DOI": "10.1056/NEJMoa2007016",
"article-title": "Compassionate use of remdesivir for patients with severe Covid-19",
"author": "Grein",
"doi-asserted-by": "crossref",
"first-page": "2327",
"issue": "24",
"journal-title": "N Engl J Med",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref9",
"volume": "382",
"year": "2020"
"DOI": "10.1016/S0140-6736(20)31022-9",
"article-title": "Remdesivir in adults with severe COVID-19: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre trial",
"author": "Wang",
"doi-asserted-by": "crossref",
"first-page": "1569",
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"key": "2023101707254504300_ref10",
"volume": "395",
"year": "2020"
"author": "National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref11",
"year": "2020"
"author": "Scientists to Stop COVID-19",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref12",
"year": "2020"
"author": "Food and Drug Administration, US Department of Health and Human Services",
"first-page": "1",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref13",
"year": "2020"
"article-title": "Randomized clinical trials and COVID-19: managing expectations",
"author": "Bauchner",
"journal-title": "JAMA",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref14"
"author": "Food and Drug Administration, US Department of Health and Human Services",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref15",
"year": "2020"
"author": "COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref16",
"year": "2020"
"DOI": "10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.120.047521",
"article-title": "Considerations for drug interactions on QTc in exploratory COVID-19 treatment",
"author": "Roden",
"doi-asserted-by": "crossref",
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"issue": "24",
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"key": "2023101707254504300_ref17",
"volume": "141",
"year": "2020"
"article-title": "Outcomes of hydroxychloroquine usage in United States veterans hospitalized with Covid-19",
"author": "Magagnoli",
"journal-title": "MedRXiv",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref18",
"year": "2020"
"article-title": "Response to Magagnoli, MedRxiv, 2020",
"author": "Million",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref19",
"year": "2020"
"article-title": "Covid-19: etude rétrospective chez 88 sujets avec 3 approches thérapeutiques différentes (traitement symptomatique/azithromycine/azithromycine + hydroxychloroquine)",
"author": "Guerin",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref20",
"year": "2020"
"author": "National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref21",
"year": "2020"
"author": "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, US Department of Health and Human Services",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref22",
"year": "2020"
"author": "Catillon",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref23",
"year": "2020"
"article-title": "Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: results of an open-label non-randomized clinical trial",
"author": "Gautret",
"journal-title": "Int J Antimicrob Agents",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref24"
"article-title": "Quantifying treatment effects of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin for COVID-19: a secondary analysis of an open label non-randomized clinical trial (Gautret et al, 2020)",
"author": "Lover",
"journal-title": "MedRXiv",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref25",
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"year": "1965"
"article-title": "Early treatment of COVID-19 patients with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin: a retrospective analysis of 1061 cases in Marseille, France",
"author": "Million",
"journal-title": "Travel Med Infect Dis",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref27"
"author": "Zelenko",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref28",
"year": "2020"
"author": "Barbosa Esper",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref29",
"year": "2020"
"author": "ABC Eyewitness News",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref30",
"year": "2020"
"DOI": "10.3390/molecules25215064",
"article-title": "In vitro antiviral activity of doxycycline against SARS-CoV-2",
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"year": "2020"
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"year": "2020"
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"key": "2023101707254504300_ref33",
"year": "2020"
"author": "Food and Drug Administration, US Department of Health and Human Services",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref34",
"year": "2020"
"article-title": "Hydroxychloroquine sulfate—drug summary",
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"key": "2023101707254504300_ref35",
"year": "2020"
"DOI": "10.1177/1715163516641136",
"article-title": "Drug-induced QT interval prolongation and torsades de pointes: role of the pharmacist in risk assessment, prevention and management",
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"volume": "149",
"year": "2016"
"article-title": "Assessment of QT intervals in a case series of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection treated with hydroxychloroquine alone or in combination with azithromycin in an intensive care unit",
"author": "Bessière",
"journal-title": "JAMA Cardiol",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref37"
"article-title": "The QT interval in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection treated with hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin",
"author": "Chorin",
"journal-title": "MedRXiv",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref38",
"year": "2020"
"article-title": "Risk of QT interval prolongation associated with use of hydroxychloroquine with or without concomitant azithromycin among hospitalized patients testing positive for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)",
"author": "Mercuro",
"journal-title": "JAMA Cardiol",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref39"
"article-title": "Experience with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin in the COVID-19 pandemic: implications for QT interval monitoring",
"author": "Ramireddy",
"journal-title": "MedRXiv",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref40",
"year": "2020"
"article-title": "Safety of hydroxychloroquine, alone and in combination with azithromycin, in light of rapid wide-spread use for COVID-19: a multinational, network cohort and self-controlled case series study",
"author": "Lane",
"journal-title": "MedRXiv",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref41",
"year": "2020"
"DOI": "10.1016/j.mayocp.2020.03.024",
"article-title": "Urgent guidance for navigating and circumventing the QTc-prolonging and torsadogenic potential of possible pharmacotherapies for coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19)",
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"article-title": "Why are so many epidemiology associations inflated or wrong? Does poorly conducted animal research suggest implausible hypotheses?",
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"key": "2023101707254504300_ref44"
"article-title": "Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin plus zinc vs hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin alone: outcomes in hospitalized COVID-19 patients",
"author": "Carlucci",
"journal-title": "MedRXiv",
"key": "2023101707254504300_ref45",
"year": "2020"
"DOI": "10.1016/j.mehy.2020.109815",
"article-title": "Does zinc supplementation enhance the clinical efficacy of chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine to win today's battle against COVID-19?",
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"key": "2023101707254504300_ref46",
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"title": "Early Outpatient Treatment of Symptomatic, High-Risk COVID-19 Patients That Should Be Ramped Up Immediately as Key to the Pandemic Crisis",
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