Conv. Plasma
Mpro inhibitors
Nigella Sativa
RdRp inhibitors

study COVID-19 treatment researchHCQHCQ (more..)
Metformin Meta
Bromhexine Meta
Budesonide Meta
Colchicine Meta Nigella Sativa Meta
Conv. Plasma Meta Nitazoxanide Meta
Curcumin Meta PPIs Meta
Fluvoxamine Meta Quercetin Meta
Hydroxychlor.. Meta
Ivermectin Meta Thermotherapy Meta
Melatonin Meta

All Studies   Meta Analysis       

Is Machine Learning a Better Way to IdentifyCOVID-19 Patients Who Might Benefit fromHydroxychloroquineTreatment?—The IDENTIFY Trial

Burdick et al., Journal of Clinical Medicine, doi:10.3390/jcm9123834
Nov 2020  
  Source   PDF   All Studies   Meta AnalysisMeta
Mortality -59% Improvement Relative Risk Mortality (b) 71% HCQ for COVID-19  Burdick et al.  LATE TREATMENT Is late treatment with HCQ beneficial for COVID-19? Prospective study of 290 patients in the USA Higher mortality with HCQ (not stat. sig., p=0.12) Burdick et al., J. Clinical Medicine, Nov 2020 FavorsHCQ Favorscontrol 0 0.5 1 1.5 2+
HCQ for COVID-19
1st treatment shown to reduce risk in March 2020, now with p < 0.00000000001 from 421 studies, recognized in 56 countries.
No treatment is 100% effective. Protocols combine treatments.
5,400+ studies for 117 treatments.
290 patient observational trial in the USA, not showing a significant difference with HCQ treatment overall, but showing significantly lower mortality in a subgroup of patients where HCQ is expected to be beneficial based on a machine learning algorithm.
Standard of Care (SOC) for COVID-19 in the study country, the USA, is very poor with very low average efficacy for approved treatments1. Only expensive, high-profit treatments were approved. Low-cost treatments were excluded, reducing the probability of treatment—especially early—due to access and cost barriers, and eliminating complementary and synergistic benefits seen with many low-cost treatments.
risk of death, 59.0% higher, HR 1.59, p = 0.12, treatment 142, control 148, adjusted per study, all patients.
risk of death, 71.0% lower, HR 0.29, p = 0.01, treatment 26, control 17, adjusted per study, subgroup of patients where treatment is predicted to be beneficial.
Effect extraction follows pre-specified rules prioritizing more serious outcomes. Submit updates
Burdick et al., 26 Nov 2020, prospective, USA, peer-reviewed, 14 authors.
This PaperHCQAll
Is Machine Learning a Better Way to Identify COVID-19 Patients Who Might Benefit from Hydroxychloroquine Treatment?—The IDENTIFY Trial
Hoyt Burdick, Carson Lam, Samson Mataraso, Anna Siefkas, Gregory Braden, R Phillip Dellinger, Andrea Mccoy, Jean-Louis Vincent, Abigail Green-Saxena, Gina Barnes, Jana Hoffman, Jacob Calvert, Emily Pellegrini, Ritankar Das
Journal of Clinical Medicine, doi:10.3390/jcm9123834
Therapeutic agents for the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have been proposed, but evidence supporting their use is limited. A machine learning algorithm was developed in order to identify a subpopulation of COVID-19 patients for whom hydroxychloroquine was associated with improved survival; this population might be relevant for study in a clinical trial. A pragmatic trial was conducted at six United States hospitals. We enrolled COVID-19 patients that were admitted between 10 March and 4 June 2020. Treatment was not randomized. The study endpoint was mortality; discharge was a competing event. Hazard ratios were obtained on the entire population, and on the subpopulation indicated by the algorithm as suitable for treatment. A total of 290 patients were enrolled. In the subpopulation that was identified by the algorithm, hydroxychloroquine was associated with a statistically significant (p = 0.011) increase in survival (adjusted hazard ratio 0.29, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.11-0.75). Adjusted survival among the algorithm indicated patients was 82.6% in the treated arm and 51.2% in the arm not treated. No association between treatment and mortality was observed in the general population. A 31% increase in survival at the end of the study was observed in a population of COVID-19 patients that were identified by a machine learning algorithm as having a better outcome with hydroxychloroquine treatment. Precision medicine approaches may be useful in identifying a subpopulation of COVID-19 patients more likely to be proven to benefit from hydroxychloroquine treatment in a clinical trial.
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In the subpopulation that was identified by the algorithm, hydroxychloroquine was associated with a statistically significant (p = 0.011) increase in survival (adjusted hazard ratio 0.29, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.11–0.75). Adjusted survival among the algorithm indicated patients was 82.6% in the treated arm and 51.2% in the arm not treated. No association between treatment and mortality was observed in the general population. A 31% increase in survival at the end of the study was observed in a population of COVID-19 patients that were identified by a machine learning algorithm as having a better outcome with hydroxychloroquine treatment. 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Late treatment
is less effective
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