Development of SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with rheumatic conditions on hydroxychloroquine monotherapy vs. patients without rheumatic conditions: A retrospective, propensity-matched cohort study
PharmD, BCPS Chris A Gentry, MD Sharanjeet K Thind, PharmD, BCPS Riley J Williams II, PharmD, BCPS Sage C Hendrickson, BCPS George Kurdgelashvili, MD, FACP Mary Beth Humphrey
The American Journal of the Medical Sciences, doi:10.1016/j.amjms.2022.08.006
Development of SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with rheumatic conditions on hydroxychloroquine monotherapy vs. patients without rheumatic conditions: a retrospective, propensity-matched cohort study,
Abella, Jolkovsky, Biney, Uspal, Hyman et al., Efficacy and safety of hydroxychloroquine vs placebo for pre-exposure SARS-CoV-2 prophylaxis among health care workers, JAMA Intern Med,
Barnabas, Brown, Bershteyn, Stankiewicz-Karita, Johnston, None
Boulware, Pullen, Bangdiwala, Pastick, Lofgren et al., A randomized trial of hydroxychloroquine as postexposure prophylaxis for Covid
Fiolet, Guihur, Rebeaud, Mulot, Peiffer-Smadja et al., Effect of hydroxychloroquine with or without azithromycin on the mortality of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Clin Microbiol Infect,
Gautret, Lagier, Parola, Hoang, Meddeb et al., Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: results of an openlabel non-randomized clinical trial, Int J Antimicrob Agents. Int J Antimicrob Agents,
Geleris, Sun, Platt, Zucker, Baldwin et al., Observational Study of Hydroxychloroquine in Hospitalized Patients with Covid-19, N Engl J Med,
Gentry, Humphrey, Thind, Hendrickson, Kurdgelashvili et al., Long-term hydroxychloroquine use in patients with rheumatic conditions and development of SARS-CoV-2 infection: a retrospective cohort study, Lancet Rheumatol,
Goa, Yang, Breakthrough: chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies, Biosci Trends,
Kashour, Riaz, Garbati, Aldosary, Tlayjeh et al., Efficacy of chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19 patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis, J Antimicrob Chemother,
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Mahevas, Tran, Roumier, Chabrol, Paule et al., Clinical efficacy of hydroxychloroquine in patients with covid-19 pneumonia who require oxygen: observational comparative study using routine care data, BMJ,
Mitja, Corbacho-Monne, Ubals, Alemany, Suner et al., A cluster-randomized trial of hydroxychloroquine for prevention of Covid-19, N Engl J Med,
Morrisette, Lodise, Scheetz, Goswami, Pogue et al., The pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of hydroxychloroquine and dose selection for COVID-19: putting the cart before the horse, Infect Dis Ther,
Rajasingham, Bangdiwala, Nicol, Skipper, Pastick et al., Hydroxychloroquine as pre-exposure prophylaxis for COVID-19 in healthcare workers: a randomized trial, Clin Infect Dis,
Rosenberg, Dufort, Udo, Wilberschied, Kumar et al., Association of Treatment With Hydroxychloroquine or Azithromycin With In-Hospital Mortality in Patients With COVID-19 in New York State, JAMA,
Thorpe, Hydroxychloroquine as postexposure prophylaxis to prevent severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection, Ann Intern Med,
Wang, Cao, Zhang, Yang, Liu et al., Remdesivir and chloroquine effectively inhibit the recently emerged novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in vitro, Cell Res,
Yao, Ye, Zhang, Cui, Huang et al., In vitro antiviral activity and projection of optimized dosing design of hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), Clin Infect Dis,
Zhao, Zhang, Zheng, Tai, Simpson et al., Serious cardiovascular adverse events associated with hydroxychloroquine/chloroquine alone or with azithromycin in patients with COVID-19: a pharmacovigilance analysis of the FDA adverse event reporting system (FAERS)
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