The effect of Hydroxychloroquine use due to rheumatic disease on the risk of Covid-19 infection and its course
Tanzer Korkmaz, Aslı Şener, Vedat Gerdan, İlker Kızıloglu
Introduction COVID-19 virus continues to spread and die worldwide. Some studies examining hydroxychloroquine as a prophylactic agent reported that its efficiency and reliability have not been proven so that it must not be used for prophylaxis other than clinical researches. However we think that the results of this study we conducted in a local area will contribute to the literature data. Methods The study was designed as adult patients who were in follow-up taking HC due to their chronic diseases were included. 384 patients who were taking hydroxychloroquine regularly and 299 patients who were not taking hydroxychloroquine were included. The primary outcome of this study is to detect a positive PCR result in patients who received a PCR test and to determine the incidence rate and its course of the disease among those who were taking HC and those who were not taking hydroxychloroquine. Results The majority of the patients (median age: 51.8-range 17-89) were women and housewives. In the patient group using hydroxychloroquine, 22 patients were tested for PCR and only 2 positive patients were found. Covid-19 was detected in 24 (8.02%) of 65 (21.73%) patients who underwent PCR test at Control group (n = 299). PCR positivity was statistically lower in the HK group (n = 2, 0.52%, n = 24, 8.02%, respectively, p = 0.0001). Conclusions Our study supported the fact that there is a lower PCR positivity and symptoms are milder among patients who are using HC regularly, as compared to those who are not using hydroxychloroquine. The effect of Hydroxychloroquine use due to rheumatic disease on the risk of Covid-19 infection and its course
Author contributions: All the authors contributed intellectually and directly to the preparation of this article, and read and approved the current version of the article for publication. Conflicting interests: The Author(s) declare(s) that there is no conflict of interest.
Hosted file Table1.docx available at
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DOI record:
"DOI": "10.22541/au.162257516.68665404/v1",
"URL": "",
"abstract": "<jats:p id=\"p1\">Introduction COVID-19 virus continues to spread and die worldwide. Some\nstudies examining hydroxychloroquine as a prophylactic agent reported\nthat its efficiency and reliability have not been proven so that it must\nnot be used for prophylaxis other than clinical researches. However we\nthink that the results of this study we conducted in a local area will\ncontribute to the literature data. Methods The study was designed as\nadult patients who were in follow-up taking HC due to their chronic\ndiseases were included. 384 patients who were taking hydroxychloroquine\nregularly and 299 patients who were not taking hydroxychloroquine were\nincluded. The primary outcome of this study is to detect a positive PCR\nresult in patients who received a PCR test and to determine the\nincidence rate and its course of the disease among those who were taking\nHC and those who were not taking hydroxychloroquine. Results The\nmajority of the patients (median age: 51.8- range 17-89) were women and\nhousewives. In the patient group using hydroxychloroquine, 22 patients\nwere tested for PCR and only 2 positive patients were found. Covid-19\nwas detected in 24 (8.02%) of 65 (21.73%) patients who underwent PCR\ntest at Control group (n = 299). PCR positivity was statistically lower\nin the HK group (n = 2, 0.52%, n = 24, 8.02%, respectively, p =\n0.0001). Conclusions Our study supported the fact that there is a lower\nPCR positivity and symptoms are milder among patients who are using HC\nregularly, as compared to those who are not using hydroxychloroquine.</jats:p>",
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